
Sunday, October 10, 2010


I really like to eat Chinese food because there are so many different kinds of food in China. Spicy, not so spicy, sweet and not so sweet. For example, we use a little amount of sugar in all of our foods. We do stir-frying, steam, boil and cool agitation...

But I still think I like to try any food I've never eaten. Now I like pizzas, hamburgers, salads and sandwiches...

I've tasted lots of Australian food such as kangaroo's meat, Anzac biscuits, lamington, pavlova and Vegemite. I'm not quite sure if meat pie is an Australian food as well but it is my favourite food here.

1 comment:

Marion said...

Very well written Jessie! Good on ya for not being afraid to tase 'Australian' food!